California Car Accident Lawyer

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California Car Accident Lawyer

When a car accident happens, injuries may be severe and emotions may be high, so a California Car Accident Lawyer reminds us to remember important steps that an individual should do after a motor vehicle accident. There are important things that must be taken care of both at the scene of any accident and soon afterward. Following is a list of things that should be done, if at all possible, when any automobile accident occurs.More about our Car Accident Injury Attorney here

1. Stay at the Scene
The cardinal rule for all car accidents is that you should never leave the scene until it is appropriate to do so. If you leave the scene of an accident, particularly where someone has sustained injuries or was killed, you can face serious criminal penalties for being a “hit-and-run” driver.More about our Car Accident Injury Attorney here
2. Call the Police
A police officer will come to the scene, gather information about the accident, create an official record of the events and determine who is at fault. The police will often give a ticket to the driver at fault. If you drive away without calling the police and waiting for them to do their job, you miss out on one of the best ways to develop your case.

3. Check on All Drivers and Passengers
Before assessing property damage, check to make sure that everyone else involved in the accident is okay. Get medical attention for anyone who may need it. If a person is unconscious or complains of neck or back pain, it is best not to move them until qualified medical personnel arrive. In some situations, for example if an injured person is lying in a pool of gas that you fear may ignite at any time, you may have no choice but to move them. If you are in that type of situation, try to move them as steadily and slowly as possible while supporting their neck and back. The less movement, the better.

4. Gather relevant information
This means writing down the following information about each driver: name, address, phone number, insurance company name, policy number, phone number, drivers license number, license plate number, make and model of car, and the name of the company for any commercial vehicles. If there are passengers in any of the vehicles, obtain their names, telephone numbers, and addresses as well. In talking to drivers of other vehicles, you should try to be cordial and cooperative in determining that everyone is okay and in exchanging basic information.

5. Document the Scene
Sketch the accident scene on a sheet of paper, note and label the position of all vehicles, their direction, and any traffic control devices. You know, in today’s world where so many people have cameras on their phones, the simpler and easier thing is to get a photo of the scene. You may take a photo of the vehicle license of the other car, which is even better than writing down the vehicle license, although you can certainly do both because your camera isn’t going to get the license number wrong but you might write it down wrong.

A California Car Accident Lawyer is the right person who can help you whenever you are physically or mentally hurt from a motor vehicle accident. This is the best way for you to get your claims to compensate for your losses. With the help of an attorney who is knowledgeable and organized, you may be able to make a full financial recovery.

Author: Charles Michel

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